Thursday, December 27, 2007

Just one more

Sorry to overload everyone with so many new posts... 1. I just haven't posted anything in a while and 2. as I was looking for images to post more just kept asking me to post them. This one is one of my favorite pictures of all time. The both just look so serious. Miles actually looks like Lucas' bodyguard back there... giving me the eye as if to say "you need some help with something, sir?"

OK Miles gets one too

I figured Miles needed a more current entry. This is actually still not really recent. Taken on Nov 19th, just hanging out in the front yard when we had a nice sunny day when my Mom was visiting. This expression perfectly captures what a sweetheart Miles is.

Carmen's turn

This is Carmen from the same day in September as the previous two posts. Carmi is hard to photograph. If she is nice enough to stand still for more than one second, she usually shakes her head back and forth so that I can't get a clean shot. This one is pretty crisp and it has an perfect look of innocence and amazement on her face. I love her.

Lucas Cheese

another shot of Lucas from the same day as the last post. He is at the age where he might actually listen to me when I ask him to stop and smile for me when I'm taking a picture.

Our two boys

Just a random shot of Lucas and Miles from September. This was around the time Miles started holding head up really well. He is Pulling himself up to standing now. Sorry that Lucas doesn't have any pants on, but it is quite difficult to catch him with any on.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Miles Jagger

Sorry it has been so long. Here is Miles at just over 4 months old. I was trying to do something cool with an old Rolling Stones shirt that I stole from my Dad that I love, but it just looks like he is desecrating the flag with his drool.

Friday, August 31, 2007

cute non-taylor kids volume 2

This is Jonathan, Chad and Katie's Nephew. This was taken at his 2nd Birthday Party. I'm sure I could have found a picture without a trash can in it, but his expression is so cute here...

not just my kids are cute

This is our friends Matt and Annette's little girl, Mary. I think Lucas has a thing for Redheads already.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Here is a cute shot of Lucas from yesterday. We were at our friends Katie and Chad's house and this is their neighbors' cat. Lucas had fun chasing him around most of the afternoon.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Don't let them fool you

They may look nice and sweet here outside playing on our front path, but these too go at it non-stop all day every day. Our new favorite thing is when Carmen turns off the TV while Lucas is watching it. Lucas screams "Carmiiii Beeeeaaar!!!!" at the top of his lungs. Carmi Bear is something that Ande calls her when she is being cute. I don't think Lucas is using it right.

I am the biggest slacker in the world. No surprise there to anyone reading this post. I have been so busy with weddings the past month or two not only have I not had a lot of time to photograph my kids, I have had even less time to post any to the blog. Here is Miles taking a snooze on the floor the day he turned two months old. More to come...

Friday, May 25, 2007

Carmen's 1st Birthday

This post is somewhat out of order. I promised more of Carmi's birthday a few weeks ago and then my next post was nothing to do with it. Here is my sweet girl enjoying her first birthday cake.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Miles' second Post

This is Miles just before we left the hospital, so he is about 1 day old. Please note the Dr. Evil scar he gave himself with his sharp fingernails on the extreme left of the picture.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Miles' first post

Ande and Miles in the hospital. Miles is about 4 hours old here. Check back often for many more posts of our new baby boy.

This was a fun shot from a series of
Belly shots I did with Ande two days
before Miles was born. Carmen is
even cuter upside down.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Carmen's Birthday #1

1st picture I will share from yesterday. Carmen is 1 and is climbing and sliding on her own as well as Lucas was at this time last year.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

This is a pretty cool shot of Lucas looking out our mail slot. I 'm pretty sure he was waiting for Ande to get home from work.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Carmi Girl

Here is another cute shot of Carmi.
I just love this girl.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Lucas turns 2!

This isn't the most technically perfect shot,
but sometimes you sacrifice technical perfection
for capturing the perfect moment in time.

Happy Birthday Buddy!

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

My Sweet Carmi

This is about as sweet a picture as I could find of Carmen. Taken earlier today in our living room.

Monday, March 5, 2007

This Photo is a perfect example of why I may be shifting my business a little from Weddings to child portraits. I just love the purity and the innocence of Lucas' expression here. Adults, even on their Wedding Days, don't usually have purity or innocence in their eyes.